It's been Fall for quite some time now. Maybe I've had my head in the clouds, but today was the first time that I really noticed the Fall foliage. Not to mention the cooler mornings, the leaves falling from the trees, and their changing colors. How could I have missed the many different shades of brown strewn all about? Then it hit me. It's because I am in a new season of my own. What I mean is there are spiritual seasons in our life just as there are earthly seasons. However, unlike earthly seasons spiritual ones are not identified by the temperature outside, daylight savings time or colors. Also, unlike earthly seasons spiritual seasons do not have a time frame. Earthly seasons are divided into four parts..Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Unless Global Warming completely comes to pass we will never see an entire year of one season. Contrarily a spiritual season can last for years and depending on your beliefs they are called different things.
DRY SEASON - When God is quiet and you can't hear his voice. I went through this season while I was grieving the loss of my cousin. I didn't hear his voice nor did I sense his presence. This season tested every fiber of my being and the very foundation of which I stand on. It was beyond difficult and I thought I would die in that season. *SPOILER ALERT* I make it out. I end up hearing from God when I least expect it and he saves my life. You can read about it all in my book, Sugar in My Grits..(Coming soon)
TRIAL SEASON - I like to call this the season of suffering. It's when we go through hard times. Financially, emotionally, physically, you name it. It seems we just can't get right and everything is going wrong. Relationships fail, loss of a job, sickness, evictions from homes, and even repossession of cars. The loss of these "things" leads us to believe God has forsaken us strictly because we think those things define us. All God is doing is trying to put the attention back on him.
WAITING SEASON - This is where God prepares you for the next thing. That which you have been praying for. Finding your purpose, finding your spouse, or the publishing stages of printing the best seller you prayed about. See what I did there? LOL! Yep! As you can tell this is the season I find myself in. While you wait there are uncomfortable periods of growth and pruning. God is chiseling away the parts of you that aren't needed for the next season. Ego, being the main one for me. He needs to know you can handle his blessings. Waiting isn't easy. What you do while you wait is just as important as the promise at the end of the wait. Hang in there and keep praying.
HARVEST SEASON - Who doesn't like harvest season? Every prayer you've said. Every tear you've shed. Every sacrifice you have made. Every good seed you have planted.Everything you have lost is restored only BETTER. It's Harvest time! The blessings began to flow! You land your dream job, positive pregnancy tests after years of trying, your body is healed, your faith is restored and my favorite...that book that you have carried like a like baby is birthed and becomes a best seller (Sugar in My Grits) and you are on a world wide book tour. See what I did here....again! LOL. Busy, Busy Busy. Blessings don't just drop in your lap and that's it, we have to nurture them. Grow in and with them. "To whom much is given much is expected". Don't hoard that harvest help someone through a season. Share your gifts. Be of service. Keeping praying and I guarantee you too will forget it's FALL.
What season are you in?